Unlock Self-Compassion & Resilience

Therapy helping LGBTQIA+ individuals, allies,
and couples thrive in their relationships

In-Person in Wilmington and Online throughout
North Carolina and South Carolina

Rob is in his 50s now, but he still remembers coming out to his parents in his early 20s, sitting on the floor of his childhood bedroom as an adult, weeping uncontrollably, and terrified of how they would react if he told them.

That was a long time ago, but the trauma of that event is still with him. Even now, he feels the same fear of how people will respond if they find out he’s different. He wonders if he’ll ever feel confident enough to express his authentic self fully.

Jim & Pat have been married for 12 years. At first, things were wonderful. They enjoyed time together and felt like a team. But somewhere along the way, they began to grow apart.

They haven’t been intimate in months. In the rare instances that they talk to each other, it always turns into a blame-filled argument. They don’t know how their marriage got to this point and wonder if there’s any way to fix it.

Sam called themselves a “homebody,” but that wasn’t accurate. The truth was, these days, the outside world scared the hell out of them. Just the thought of going to the store was enough to send their anxiety off the charts.

Their friends stopped calling after countless last-minute excuses and cancellations. All Sam does now is sit at home, watch TV, and get deliveries. Sure, it’s safe, but their world keeps getting smaller. Sam feels like a prisoner in their own home. They want to feel comfortable outside but don’t know how.

*These are fictitious names and scenarios used only to illustrate real-life situations.

Hi, I’m Alan.

And I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle in a world that feels hostile to your very existence.

My experience as a gay man directly informs and drives my passion for working with the LGBTQ+ community and allies.

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I provide individuals and couples with direct, empathetic, and compassionate professional support.

The skills I share with you are tools I’ve used and have helped me in my own life, and I will never ask you to do anything I would not be willing to do myself.

Don’t struggle any longer on your own. Call me now for your free consultation, and let’s get started!

Rob’s anxiety had reached a critical mass, so he called me for help. Together, we developed new methods for dealing with the difficult thoughts and emotions related to coming out. As his confidence grew, he decided he wanted to live in alignment with his authentic self. Now, he’s living openly, honestly, and thriving.

Jim & Pat were at a breaking point when they reached out to me. They felt like divorce was the only option left for them. Together, with guidance and encouragement, we were able to reopen the lines of communication. Soon, they rediscovered how to laugh, share, and reignite the passion in their relationship. Now they’re happier together than they’ve been in many years.

Sam couldn’t go on living this way, so they contacted me. In our sessions, we explored the root causes of Sam’s social anxiety and cultivated new ways of coping with their distress. By accepting and working through their emotions, rather than pushing them away, Sam gradually began to work their way back into the world. Now, Sam is making progress every day and no longer feels like a prisoner.

Stop doing the same things and expecting different results.

I helped Rob, Jim & Pat, and Sam find a better way forward, and I can do the same for you.

What I Offer



If you are tired of doing the same things, expecting a different result, and desire a better way forward, reach out now for your free consultation or skip the consultation and schedule an appointment.